This one requires seven different coloured candles and a few minutes of your time each day for seven days (the name of the spell was a bit of a giveaway wasn’t it?). Preferably work it so that the seventh day falls on a full moon.
You will need:
Seven candles, you can use the colours of the rainbow/chakras; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet or colours of your choice. Each one will represent a planet and their associated qualities. If you don’t have different colour candles you can use white.
Monday – Moon – emotions
Tuesday – Mars – activity
Wednesday – Mercury – communication
Thursday – Jupiter – growth
Friday – Venus – love
Saturday – Saturn – structure
Sunday – Sun – energy
Place the candles in a row, safely in secure holders. Or you can use one candle holder and swap the candle each day.
The spell
On Monday light the moon candle and say:
Light and energy of the moon, I ask of thee
Bring for my emotions, stability
Allow the candle to burn out if possible or for at least ten minutes whilst you sit and visualise being in control of your emotions.
On Tuesday light the Mars candle and say:
Light and energy of Mars, I ask of thee
A life full of enjoyable activity
Allow the candle to burn out if possible or for at least ten minutes whilst you sit and visualise going out and doing those things that you enjoy.
On Wednesday light the Mercury candle and say:
Light and energy of Mercury, I ask of thee
Clear and concise communication ability
Allow the candle to burn out if possible or for at least ten minutes whilst you sit and visualise clarity and clear communication between you and others.
On Thursday light the Jupiter candle and say:
Light and energy of Jupiter, I ask of thee
Prosperity, abundance and personal growth for me.
Allow the candle to burn out if possible or for at least ten minutes whilst you sit and visualise being financially safe and happy in yourself.
On Friday light the Venus candle and say:
Light and energy of Venus, I ask of thee
Comfort, friendship and love for my family and me
Allow the candle to burn out if possible or for at least ten minutes whilst you sit and visualise being surrounded by good friends and a happy family.
On Saturday light the Saturn candle and say:
Light and energy of Saturn, I ask of thee
Bring order, balance and structure to my life for me
Allow the candle to burn out if possible or for at least ten minutes whilst you sit and visualise having balance, order and structure to your home and work life.
On Sunday light the Sun candle and say:
Light and energy of Sun, I ask of thee
Bring passion and fiery energy to me
Allow the candle to burn out if possible or for at least ten minutes whilst you sit and visualise your life being full of energy and passion.
Once you have worked with each candle spend a few minutes in reflection and note down what changes you can make in your life to bring about these qualities.
The candle stubs can be disposed of.
Add layers
If you want to add layers, add a crystal for each day and a herb/spice. My suggestions are:
Monday – water, clear quartz
Tuesday – chillies, rhodocrosite
Wednesday – pasta, blue lace agate
Thursday – copal, kyanite
Friday – Cardamom, unakite
Saturday – pine, smoky quartz
Sunday – cinnamon, pyrite
If you would like to watch my live chat where I work this spell, please see the video below:
The spell is taken from Kitchen Witchcraft: Spells & Charms by Rachel Patterson
Originally posted on Beneath the Moon, Patheos Pagan - 12.6.20