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Review: Sigils for Magic

I had the absolute pleasure of sneaking a peek at this book manuscript from Jonathan and was honoured to write an endorsement for it.

The official blurb:

Sigils for Magic - Techniques of Transformation

Sigils for Magic makes artisan magic accessible to all. The author adeptly outlines techniques for change with honesty and humour, providing examples of effective sigil magic. The sections on magic and ethics are both challenging and reassuring, the final chapter on the Leveller project reveal Jonathan's true colours promoting magic for social change.


Jonathan Argento is a regular speaker at conferences and festivals, hosts the Wild Witchcraft Conference and facilitates the Wickham Coven. He was recognised as a craft elder by Maureen Wheeler and her covens in 2014 and holds a BA and MA in Religious Studies and previously worked within Education. Jonathan lives in Hampshire, England between the Downs and the Coast. He can be contacted at the website

And my review:

This isn't just your ordinary 'how to' book. Mr Argento draws on his considerable knowledge and experience to open up the world of sigils.

In fact this book will take you through the basics of sigil work and then some, exploring other sigil avenues and even some surprising ones!

Sigils for Magic can be ordered direct from the publisher

or via all the usual book stockists.


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