Full house this week with the dynamic landscaping due Jason and Dan who have absolutely transformed the garden. We are so pleased with the end result. There will be lots of planning and pouring over seed and bulb catalogues now! We also have a slight suspicion that Eric fell in love with Dan...
The creative painting team Karl and Richard have been beavering away all week getting some colour into the house. And let me tell you...taking on the hall and landing in our house is no mean feat! A super compressor driven sprayer made short work of the banister and spindles too.
We also never knew you could spray paint UPVC doors and windows either, the transformation is fabulous. Special paint that brings up the finish like new.
On a side note: The dishwasher we had delivered and installed in the kitchen didn't work. High fives to the manufacturer Hisense who were incredibly helpful and sent out an engineer free of charge to take a look. Seems that the unit must have been dropped from a great height during or before delivery and smashed the whole of the underneath. We are now awaiting a replacement from Currys...which by the way took me an hour and a half hanging on the phone going through various 'press 1 for...' scenarios, being shoved from department to department and being cut off twice before I found someone helpful! Currys could take note from Hisense for customer service.
And on another side note: Before Christmas the washing machine died. Last week the tumbler dryer kicked the bucket. So we now have a new set of those too. Then last night the floor steam cleaner exploded (literally), I think it decided it didn't want to deal with any more dust!
Just the carpentry side of things to do now inside the house and once that is done the final bits of painting and then the floors can go down.
