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Renovation Before & After: Cloakroom & Utility Room

We have been asked to share photos of the before and after from our house renovation.

I have split them up into individual blogs. This one covers the cloakroom (or as we generally call it, the downstairs toilet) and the utility room, which sounds grand but is only just big enough for the washing machine.

The cloakroom - the toilet cistern was here when we moved in 26 years ago and I suspect is a remnant from the 1960's. The floor tiles are original from 1920. The sink and toilet bowl were new back 26 years ago. It was long over due an overhaul.

The ceiling was removed and replaced and a downlighter set in place.

The window frame was spray painted.

The walls and old wall tiles were removed and all replastered.

The pipes were boxed in.

New toilet and sink fitted.

New tile backsplash.

Repainted cream walls.

New vinyl flooring.

Cloakroom - Before and After

Utility Room - Just enough space to house the washing machine with the tumble dryer on top with an open drain cover in one corner. The outside wall was just a thin piece of wood and a single glazed glass window. It was originally a scary place that our teenager refused to enter!

The outer wall and ceiling were insulated and plaster boarded.

Outside wall was replaced with UPVC

Double glazed window fitted.

New light fitting and switch.

Walls painted.

Cover/shelf unit built over the open drain.

Shelf built to support the tumble dryer.

Utility Room Before & After


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