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Nutella Chocolate Cake

Always on the look out for a good chocolate cake recipe because quite often they are dry, this one however is superb and has been added to me list of 'regular bakes'.

200g (7oz) unsalted butter, softened, plus more for the tins

70g (2 1/2 oz) dark chocolate

55g (2 oz) milk chocolate 1 teaspoon instant coffee 200g (7oz) caster sugar 4 large eggs 200g (7 oz) plain flour 50g (2 oz) cocoa powder 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder

For the icing/filling:

200g (7oz) mascapone 

100g (3 1/2 oz) nutella (chocolate nut spread)


Step 1: Cut baking parchment discs for the bases of 2 x20cm round sandwich tins. Butter the tins and lay the papers in. Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan 160°C/gas 4.

Step 2: Break the chocolate into a heat proof bowl and set over a saucepan on a medium-low heat (the bowl should not touch the water). Once melted, set aside until cool, but not set. Mix the coffee with 2 tablespoons of boiling water and set aside to cool.

Step 3: Put the butter and sugar into a bowl and beat with an electric whisk until light and creamy. Thoroughly beat in each egg, one by one. If the mixture starts to split, add 1 tablespoon of the flour to bring it back.

Step 4: Sift in the rest of the flour, the cocoa powder and baking powder, then fold them in. Pour in the melted chocolate and coffee and fold in. Divide the batter between the prepared tins, smooth it out and bake for 18-20 minutes.

Step 5: Meanwhile, mix the mascapone with the nutella until smooth and well blended.

Step 6: Check that the cakes are cooked by poking a cocktail stick into the centre; if it comes out clean then it’s cooked; if it’s got cake mix on it, give it another 2 minutes before testing it again. Take out and set on a wire rack. Once cool enough to touch, pop them out of the tins and return to the rack to fully cool.

Step 7: Spread a layer of frosting on the bottom layer, then gently press the top layer on. You can either ice the top completely or just pipe a pretty creative!


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