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Magical Food - Cloves


(Eugenia carophyllus, Syzygium aromaticum, Caryophyllus aromaticus)

One of my favourite scents and flavours, cloves are gown on a small evergreen tree, they are the beginnings of the seeds that form just after the flowers.

Add cloves to incense to clear negative energy and increase the spiritual energy in your home.

Use clove oil as a love blessing or add a couple of drops to cider, mead or wine and share with friends to bring your friendship closer. If you want to keep harmony amongst a group of people charge a number of cloves with peace and friendship and then give one to each person to keep with them or bake a big apple pie studded with cloves to share with everyone. If you want to attract a lover cloves can be carried on you for that purpose too.

Keep a clove in your purse or wallet to attract abundance. I think the idea of cloves being for prosperity came about when they were an extremely expensive spice.

Hang a pouch of cloves above your door to stop gossip and bring about protection to those within your home.

Clove Magical Properties:

Love, money, exorcism, clarity, protection, abundance, repels negativity, prevents gossip, stress relief, truth

Ruling planet – Jupiter

Element – Fire

Gender – Masculine

From A Kitchen Witch's World of Magic Food by Rachel Patterson


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