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Magical Food: Basic Magical Kitchen Cupboard Items

Here is my quick list of perhaps more unusual but basic kitchen cupboard items that you can work magic with. In fact, you can work magic with any food items, it all has a magical energy.

These are my magical correspondences, trust your intuition and see what you come up with. Investigate your cupboards and fridge to see what magic you can find.

Check your tins too, tinned vegetables, fruit and soup all has magic within.

You literally can make magic with any ingredient it doesn’t have to be a sacred herb collected at dawn by a virgin maiden…

The list:

Baking Powder/Soda Magical Properties:

Energy, magic

Beans Magical Properties:

Wisdom, divination, prosperity

Note: Use a tin of baked beans and you add in the magic of tomatoes on top of the bean energy.

Beer Magical Properties:

Dreams, purification, offerings

Bread Magical Properties:

Depends on the grain used, all breads are good for offerings and grounding

Butter Magical Properties:

Peace, spirituality, Faerie

Cake Magical Properties:

Happiness, ritual, rites of passage, offerings, celebration, grounding

Cheese Magical Properties:

Success, happiness

Chocolate Magical Properties:

Prosperity, positive energy, happiness, love

Coconut Magical Properties:

Protection, purification, chastity

Coffee Magical Properties:

Energy, clarity, divination

Curry Magical Properties:

Energy, passion

Gravy Magical Properties:

Calming, emotions, healing, cleansing, purification

Ice Cream Magical Properties:

Love, spirituality, various depending on what flavours you add

Jelly Magical Properties:

Happiness, various depending on what flavours you add

Maple Syrup Magical Properties:

Love, money, attraction, positive energy, healing, binding

Milk Magical Properties:

Feminine power, goddess energy, moon magic, nurturing, offerings, love, spirituality, Faeries

Olive Oil Magical Properties:

Spirituality, integrity, passion, fertility, healing, peace, protection, luck

Pasta Magical Properties:

Psychic powers, protection, communication, creativity

Peanut/Peanut Butter Magical Properties:

Masculine energy, prosperity

Soya Bean Magical Properties:

Fertility, passion, prosperity, luck, psychic powers, spirituality

Sugar Magical Properties:

Love, protection

Tea Magical Properties:

Meditation, courage, strength, prosperity

Vanilla Magical Properties:

Love, spirituality, sex magic, passion, creativity

Vinegar Magical Properties:

Fire energy, protection

Wine Magical Properties:

Spirituality, offerings, happiness, love

Yogurt Magical Properties:

Spirituality, creativity, depression

Correspondences taken from A Kitchen Witch’s World of Magical Food by Rachel Patterson

Originally posted on Beneath the Moon, Patheos Pagan - 21.4.20


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