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Dear Diary: Whirlwinds, vague but exciting, art and teamwork


You know that feeling when it seems like you have been caught up in a whirlwind and there is no let up? Yup, that pretty much sums up 2024 so far. Let's be honest we are now at the end of October so there isn't really that much of 2024 left and all of it has been chaotic and a good way. But, it all takes a toll and myself, Ness and Heather are a bit pooped.

We did take a couple of days out in September just for a jolly, spending the day on Charmouth beach before heading over to Dartmoor for a couple of nights. The landscape was amazing, the weather was kind and the walking was a lot, and we discovered Heather is part mountain goat.

We took on a lot of events and workshop this year, launched an online shop and our triad readings - all of which have been fabulous but it is about getting the balance. Going forward we hope to have sorted out the right measure of work, play and shenanigans. It has been a huge learning curve. On a couple of occasions this autumn I have had to step back from an event or two, purely because it would have buried me. Huge apologies to anyone that I had to let down, it was necessary.

2025 already looks to be fully booked for spring and summer and we thank those that have invited us to events and to run workshops, you guys rock and we are very humbled that you want us ♥

The store

The Kitchen Witch online store has had a lot of visitors, for which we are incredibly thankful. The hoards and books have been by far the favourites. We are always looking to adapt to cater for your needs, if there is anything you think we should be including let us know.

Triad readings have been a great success, we have connected with so many lovely folk for online readings and going forward will be doing in person reading sessions at Raw Eden Apothecary on a regular basis.

Vague but exciting

I do have some very exciting work related news, but you will have to wait for the official announcement at the beginning of 2025 for that, but I am beyond excited, honoured and all the other good stuff. Apologies for the vagueness!

Book writing news

I have two books in being edited - one with Moon Books, the other is a collaboration that is under wraps with another publisher (apologies again for the vagueness). Then I have six signed contracts with Moon Books, all in various stages of production. I just need extra days in the week to get it all done!


A couple of my book covers have been drawn by my super talented daughter, and some have been digitally created by my super talented Graphic Designer husband and one by the equally super talented Matty Greenfield. The rest have used photo stock images. Going forward I am trying to support wonderful artists by commissioning covers. This process has to be done way in advance to give them time to create and also needs to fit into the budget because time, effort and talent do require decent payment. I have a couple of fabulous artists working on designs currently and will be keeping my eye out for others I can persuade to design something for me.

Halloween Yuleness

The season of the witch is upon us, I know a lot of Pagan folk love October and Samhain, but for me I prefer the festive season. There is something about that build up of energy before Yule that I LOVE. I don't think I have ever lost that excitement I had as a child. I am addicted to mince pies, fruit cake and figgy pudding and don't even get me started on panettone ♥ Our house is decorated from 1st December right through until usually Boxing Day when they all come down. None of this winter wonderland, tasteful decor either, bring on the multi coloured 1980s festive decorations that I remember. It is the build up of energy that I like, once the official day is done I want to clear it all away. As the only Pagan in my family I work my own winter solstice celebrations but meld them into the whole Christmas shebang. And yes, I have already started watching the cheesy Hallmark films on the Christmas24 channel, don't judge.


Kitchen Witch has grown from strength to strength since its inception back in 2012. More so in the last year in particular with the power and support from Ness and Heather. We are together a powerhouse team and Kitchen Witch would not be what it is without them. We have a lot of plans to take into 2025 but are always open to suggestions and requests from the witchy community, so please do reach out if you think we can provide something. We are continuing with our online rituals but they will be changing slightly for 2025 and hopefully you will agree with us, we think they will be even better.

Weekly Witches

My weekly chats continue, but it felt like it needed a name. Weekly chat wasn't really an identity and as we seem to have created a wonderful online community it was time to give it something. There were some wonderful suggestions but ultimately the name that several folk came up with was 'Witches Weekly' - so that's what it will be. A community of like minded folk coming together once a week to chat about witchcraft stuff, random things and of course to have a laugh.

Thank you as always to everyone that supports us, we really do appreciate it ♥

1 Comment

Oct 24, 2024

The Witches Weekly sounds like a lot of Fun!! 🎂🧁💕

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