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Dear Diary: A round up, fabulousness and a new job

Where to start?  Is it me or has 2024 sped past in the blink of an eye?


From a personal, professional and Kitchen Witch point of view it has been a stunner of a year. 


Earlier this year Kitchen Witch had a bit of a shake up and we came together as a strong team of three.  We have not looked back and our feet have not touched the ground since.   I am eternally grateful to both Ness and Heather for their friendship, hard work, dedication, support and ability to tell me when they think I have been a dilbert.

Heather, Ness, Rachel - Kitchen Witch
Heather, Ness, Rachel

Kitchen Witch Shenanigans

So much has happened and we have been on so many adventures it is hard to know where to start so I am going to begin with our first ever official Kitchen Witch holiday.  By September we were beginning to feel a bit burnt out so we headed off to Dartmoor for a bit of a break.  We found a fabulous apartment right at the foot of the Haytor which was perfect.  On the way we stopped at Charmouth beach and spent the day scavenging for sea glass and fossils.  On the journey home we stopped at Scorshill stones.  Absolutely blooming perfect ♥ This year we have made a point of taking ourselves off for day jollies including the seaside, cafes, and to Kitchen Witch HQ to create magical wonders!


We attended several events and camps this year:

Witchfest camp in Basingstoke for the day (we will be at Witchfest Int next year)

Wight Raven Summer Camp which was wonderful and we will be back next year. 

Pagan Tribal Gathering as always, which was a total blast and we will be back again in 2025.

This year also saw us hold workshops at Raw Eden Apothecary, more for 2025 along with readings there too and it is a lovely space.   

We also held a workshop at Crystal Wicca, such a fab group of people. 

My online talks and events for The College of Psychic Studies continued and I am very grateful to everyone that rocks up each time, more in 2025 too! 

We had a stall at Wandering Witches earlier in the year and are hoping to be back there next year too.   Wild Witchcraft Conference as always is a wonderful event and we will also be back there in 2025 too.    Witchcon is a brilliant online event that I get to speak at again this year and next year as well.  

We are looking forward to attending the Greenoaks Gathering in 2025 too.

Told you we have been busy!

We have some wonderful plans brewing for Kitchen Witch next year, more free online workshops and a much bigger project that we are just in the very beginning stages of.


This year we also began our Triad Readings.  Ness, Heather and myself all read for the querent at the same time, with Ness reading the runes, Heather reading the bones and the ogham and me with my magpie tarot deck (it has 138 cards).  We offer readings online and also in person at some events.  We have had some amazing feedback and it is our pleasure to be able to offer this service.


Books, books and more books

On the book front, wowzer it has been a whirlwind year!  

Books released this year from Moon Books include: Pagan Portals Sulis, Pagan Portals Dragon Magic and a hardback collectors edition, Duets: Kitchen Witchcraft and Moon Magic.  Dragon Magic sold the most books in the first month that I have ever done!

From Llewellyn, my book Practical Candle Magic was released at the beginning of the year.

And a new publisher for me, Fenix Flames Publishing released my book, Hedge Witch and the Art of Hedge Riding.


I am also working on a couple of other projects as a collaborator, details will be released when I am able to.


New books for me next year, I think there will only be one (I know…shock!), my book Prosperity Magic will be released in November 2025.


There are still lots of books to come, I have signed contracts for six, yes you read that correctly, six more books with Moon Books: Pagan Portals Minerva, Crone Hag Witch, Tree Magic, Household Magic, Witchcraft Daily Practice and Working with Animal Magic.  I possibly need more hours in the day or days in the week.


Chatting, podcasting and general waffling

 My weekly chats have continued and I am blessed to have such a loyal and wonderful group of people join me online each week.  These will continue going forward and we have a group name now, Witches Weekly.


2024 saw the first Pagan Portal Podcast episode and we now have a full year’s worth of interviews with some really amazing folk.  It has been an honour and a pleasure to chat with each of them.  The podcast continues and the first episode of 2025 is a stunner, featuring an absolute Pagan legend.  Look out for it in the first week of January.


On a personal level, this year has not been so good health wise for family and friends, we have lost more very wonderful people than we should have done.  Positive energy going into 2025…


And for the dream job announcement!

And in more personal news, a very big event that I am super excited about, well a big event for me anyway.   From 1st January 2025 I will be taking on the role of Publicist for Moon Books Publishing.   I will be dealing with the publicity requirements for all the newly released books from Moon Books, supporting the lovely authors and working alongside the dynamic duo of Trevor (Editor, Publisher and all round good egg) and Matty (super techie content design and video magic). 


2024 you have been good, bad and stupendous,

roll on 2025, hold onto your hats coz it is going to be wonderfully wild!





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