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Dear Diary: Jollies, Best Seller, Events and a Well Oiled Machine

I don't even know where to start, it has been a while since I wrote a Dear Diary and so much has happened!

We did take a week off and go on a cruise, which was totally amazing I won't bore you with my gushing about how wonderful Germany was, you can see more info here

The holiday was meant to be a big chill/take a break time and it was, but we hit the ground running when we got back and it has been manic ever since.

A Jolly

Last weekend Ness, Heather and myself went on a jolly to Woodfood just outside Salisbury to see the Shadows of the Stones art exhibition hosted by Naomi Cornock (Nomeart), Laura Daligan and Chris Down. It was great fun and lovely to finally meet Naomi in person as I have so much of her artwork. We also did a little bit of a book cover deal...ssshhhh!

Heather then took us on one of her legendary hikes, no map, no compass just her internal sat nav system and we covered some beautiful countryside. Throw in a delicious lunch, cake and coffee at the Heale Garden cafe and it was a perfect day.

The Emporium

We finally launched the Kitchen Witch Emporium online, so much work has gone on behind the scenes to get things ready. We had 40 orders in the first two weeks, I have never packed so many boxes! You can order or pre-order my books that I will scribble on for you, we also have a small selection of second hand witchy books, pre-loved jewellery and a fabulous range of hand crafted witchcraft goodies such as poppet kits, poppets, shawls, spell kits and more. We also run a custom order section where we will make an item just for you to your specifications or design and supply a custom spell kit for you.

A Best Seller

This week I was extremely pleased to discover my Pagan Portal The Cailleach book reached the official 'best seller' mark which is wonderful. Huge thanks to everyone that continues to buy my books. Hitting the best seller level is an achievement particularly in such a niche market as occult books, I am as we say in England 'chuffed to bits'.


Last night we ran our first workshop at the very lovely Raw Eden Beauty Apothecary in Wickham, Fareham. It was a sell out, which is wonderful and huge thanks to Lucy for organising it all and providing us with the most delicious herbal tea and cake. Such a lovely group of people, it was a pleasure to talk Witchcraft with them. We have two more workshops there for anyone that would like to join us.


At the moment myself and the girls are getting organised behind the scenes for the Pagan Tribal Gathering festival. For the first time ever we will have a Kitchen Witch HQ trader tent which is very exciting. PTG is such an amazing event and we have loved it each time so it will be fabulous to have a base there. We will also have goodies to sell, but we are looking forward to catching up with everyone and having a base to sit and chat with folk. Although having never put up a gazebo before it should be an interesting learning curve!

A well oiled machine

In the past couple of months a lot has happened at Kitchen Witch HQ, the eclipse kinda did a big reset and since then things have just kept moving forward at a great speed. But with a fantastic positive purposeful energy. It has been an absolute pleasure to work side by side with Heather and Ness putting plans into motion. We have seen each other in person and via Zoom chats more in the last couple of months than we did all last year I think (which is a good thing and I love it). We are a well oiled machine, oiled with tea and cake obviously. There are so many ideas and new projects in the air, all of which will come to fruition at some point, but none of which would happen if we didn't have such a fabulous team dynamic. I feel truly blessed.

The Podcast

The Pagan Portal Podcast continues to go from strength to strength and I have had the honour and pleasure of chatting to some really interesting people. More to come of course!

The Writing

Unfortunately with things being super chaotic and twirly some things have had to take a back seat, one of those has been book writing. But I will pick it up again very shortly because there are five signed book contracts waiting in the wings for me to get my teeth into. And not forgetting the oracle decks that need my attention too.


This year has been very much about dragon magic and dragon energy. The fire dragon has been pushing things forward at a rate of knots and breathing creative fire energy into everything. His book is released at the end of June/beginning of July and we are really looking forward to catching up with folk at the free online dragon magic workshop on 22nd June. Maybe then he will let me catch my breath...probably not.

I am sure there are a million other things I have done and could put on here but for the life of me I cannot think what they are. As always we are here if anyone needs any help or support, we will do whatever we can you just need to reach out.


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