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Moon Magic at The College of Psychic Studies

I am very pleased to announce that I have been invited to become part of the team over at

In the glorious month of June I will be giving both an online talk and running an online workshop, both on the subject of Moon Magic.

Talk - Why Work Magic with the Moon? - 7th June 2022

1 1/2 hours

The Moon is so powerful that she affects not only our moods and emotions, but also provides us with the power to work very successful magic.

Living, playing and working in tune with the Moon's rhythms can change your life and the way you look at the world. She will help you to connect not only with her magic but your own, your intuition and every thread that wraps its way through this world of ours.

She has the power to transform your life, you have the power within you to do the same.

This online talk will shed light on Moon energy, working with the Moon phases, and Moon magic in general.

For more information

Workshop - Moon Magic - 28th June 2022

3 hours

Working in tune with the Moon's energies can change your life and the way you live on a daily basis, in harmony with her magic.

In this online workshop, Witch, High Priestess and author Rachel Patterson will help you to discover what lunar energy can do for you.

We will delve into the mysteries of Moon magic, including working with the Moon phases, how to use Moon crystals and which Moon rituals can support your needs.

Some of the topics you will explore in this workshop include:

  • Moon energy

  • Working with the Moon phases

  • Moon spell working

  • Working with the Lunar year

  • Special Moons

  • Moon Deities

  • Moon Animal magic

  • Moon crystals, herbs and magical foods

  • Moon Water

  • Moon divination

  • Creating and performing Moon Ritual

You will be encouraged to follow your journey and your pathway, working with the magic of the Moon in a way that suits you and feels good for you.

There is no right or wrong, just the magic of the Moon available to all.

For more information:


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