Unique TriadReadings
"Thank you so much, you are like the spiritual Charlie's Angels!"
"Fantastic, in depth, wise advice. Great experience for me. Would absolutely recommend.
There is a certain vibe of Weatherwax, Ogg and Garlick which I loved. If you know, you know."
"Oh my days you talented ladies. OK wow, wow and one more wow.
If no one has said it ladies you are a gifted bunch thank you so much."
"Thank you for my reading, which was so spot on, you cannot imagine. It was as if I was sitting talking to myself going over all the things that I wanted from the reading, and boy did you deliver."
Bag yourself an online reading from ALL THREE of the Kitchen Witch team.
We work the readings together using various forms of divination and our Crone experiences to provide you with insight.
Heather Dewhurst casts the bones, a set comprising of various fox and deer bones along with other items from nature.
She also reads the ogham and oracle decks.
Ness Armstrong casts the runes to gain insight and guidance for you.
Rachel Patterson uses a 'magpie' tarot comprising 138 cards all from different tarot decks.
Book an online reading via Zoom, a recorded video reading or a pdf reading via email.