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Come with me as we enter the lair of the Dragon.  

The Dragon represents the unknown, the hidden energy in humans and in nature.

This book will introduce you to the amazing and wonderful world of the Dragon, delving into the mythology and history to begin with.

Then helping guide you on your own pathway to meet and work with Dragon energy.

I have to admit, I've done a lot of exploring as I travel my pagan path, and I hadn't really given much thought to incorporating dragons into it. This book is a great starting point for anyone looking to start, or those, who like me, are simply curious. Where do I start - I've learned so much! There are so many different kinds of dragons, and I learned about some from stories, myths, and folklore that I wasn't aware of before. I loved getting to read Patterson's personal story woven in with everything, it really helped put everything in perspective as I went through the book from cover to cover. Now that I think about it, I've used dragon's blood ink, but never thought too much about the draconic connection there. The final section is about dragons, magic, and working with them, including crystals, meditations, and more. I highly recommend this, even if you're fairly experienced, it's a great reference book, and gives you an extensive bibliography should you want to dive deeper.


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