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My Books

My books are published by Moon Books, Llewellyn Worldwide and Fenix Flames Publishing and are available from all major book stockists.
Signed copies and pre-orders can be purchased from the
Kitchen Witch Online Emporium

Click on the book cover for more details...


"Your writing and subjects are excellent and are written with everyone in mind. From those who've just stepped onto the path, to those of us who have walked it for many years. They are written in a way that allows the reader to know that we are Witches, but we're human too and we can all make mistakes. You allow people the room to learn from your experiences, but also to choose how they walk this path without judgement from you. And they're written with a lovely sense if humour too."

Books I have contributed to

Currently working on...


For Moon Books:                  

Tree Magic
Household Magic               
Pagan Portals - Minerva
Witchcraft: Daily Practice
Working with Animal Magic

Crone, Hag & Witch


Four Oracle Card decks with
Animal Dreaming Publishing

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