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Apr 19, 2018
Animal Magic: The Crocodile and The Alligator
Crocodile/Alligator The good ole croc can see incredibly well which has led to its association with clarity and clear thought. Although...

Apr 12, 2018
Animal Magic: The Cow and The Bull
Cow/Bull A whole load of bull…or cow… Both are very symbolic of fertility although the cow obviously brings mothering instincts into play...

Apr 5, 2018
Animal Magic: The Chicken and The Cockerel
Chicken Chicken is all about fertility with a bit of sacrifice thrown in for good measure. The fertility comes from their egg laying...

Mar 29, 2018
Animal Magic: The Centaur
Centaur Half horse, half man resulting in a combination of man and beast – hopefully the best parts of each… Definitely connected to the...

Mar 22, 2018
Animal Magic: The Cat
Cat Those with a cat at home will know that they are gods and should be worshipped and pampered in every way shape and form… Cat...

Mar 15, 2018
Animal Magic: The Butterfly
Butterfly The butterfly has to be one of the creatures most associated with transformation and change as it emerges from a cocoon into a...

Mar 8, 2018
Animal Magic: The Bee
Bee Without these little critters whizzing about in their stripy pyjamas we would have no food…they are incredibly important. They are a...

Mar 1, 2018
Animal Magic: The Beaver
Beaver Working like a beaver; he builds, he creates, he achieves everything he sets out to do, he understands how to work as a team, he...

Feb 22, 2018
Animal Magic: The Bear
Bear Bear plays a big part in a lot of cultures including Native American and the Celtic tradition bringing power and protection with it....

Feb 15, 2018
Animal Magic: The Bat
Bat Some folklore stories suggest that bats were thought to be witches and if one flew close by you it was a witch checking up on you or...
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