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Jul 5, 2018
Animal Magic: The Magpie
Magpie This black and white mystical bird brings feathers full of occult knowledge. The magpie is also known as jack of all trades…but...

Jun 28, 2018
Animal Magic: Ladybird/ladybug
Ladybird/ladybug Called a ladybird in the UK and ladybug in the USA this tiny little pretty coloured insect is a powerful animal spirit...

Jun 21, 2018
Animal Magic: The Hippopotamus
Hippopotamus A very powerful animal spirit totem that is chocked full of deep emotional energy, imagination and ideas. Its name...

Jun 14, 2018
Animal Magic: The Hedgehog
Hedgehog Often associated with the world of Faerie in fact sometimes suggested that the hedgehog is a fairy or even a witch in disguise…...

Jun 7, 2018
Animal Magic: The Griffin
Griffin With the head, wings and claws of an eagle at the front and the body and tail of a lion this animal may come across as being a...

May 31, 2018
Animal Magic: The Frog and The Toad
Frog/Toad It was once believed that toads were witches who had shape shifted…seriously if I was going to shape shift it wouldn’t be into...

May 24, 2018
Animal Magic: The Elephant
Elephant Huge hefty creatures but oh so gentle, the elephant is a great remover of obstacles and barriers not just physically but...

May 17, 2018
Animal Magic: The Dragonfly
Dragonfly Flitting in and out of reeds and water plants the dragonfly is a master of flight who reflects light and colours. This is one...

May 10, 2018
Animal Magic: The Donkey
Donkey Donkeys are eager and versatile workers that have served human kind for thousands of years. They take on huge burdens and...

May 3, 2018
Animal Magic: The Dog
Dog A dog animal spirit guide is for life, not just for Yule…definitely man (or woman’s) best friend and so jam packed with loyalty you...
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