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Feb 15, 2019
German Butter Cake
I was watching an episode of Cake Boss (yep I know trashy TV...but it's good to watch when I am eating my lunch) and they were baking...

Feb 15, 2019
Croissants have been on my 'never made but must do' list for years...and I have to say they were quite straightforward to make but took...

Feb 15, 2019
South African Baked Sago Pudding
On a recent visit to my local Asian supermarket I re-discovered sago (tapioca) I used to have tapioca or frog spawn as we called it in...

Feb 15, 2019
Onion and Feta Quiche
I wanted to make a quiche but didn't have any specific ingredients so a hunt through the fridge provided onions and voila:...

Feb 15, 2019
Caramel Cream Choux Buns
I started with a basic cream puff recipe but filled them with a caramel cream and covered them in melted Caramac and chocolate... For the...

Feb 15, 2019
Toffee Oat Cake
This is very sweet and very husband ate four slices in one sitting...(to be fair they weren't huge pieces!) 200g (8oz)...

Feb 15, 2019
Chickpea & Peanut Veggie Burgers
These are yum! 1 can chickpeas, drained and mashed 1/2 onion, finely chopped 1 small courgette (zuchinni), grated 1 teaspoon dried...

Feb 15, 2019
Cheese and Marmite Scones
75g (3oz) self raising flour 75g (3oz) plain or wholewheat flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 25g (1 oz) butter, softened 150ml (5 fl oz)...

Feb 15, 2019
Sultana Sponge
225g (8oz) butter, softened 225g (8oz) sugar 275g (10oz) self raising flour 2 level teaspoons baking powder 4 large eggs 2 tablespoons...

Feb 15, 2019
Buckwheat & Corn Tortillas
Seriously easy to make... 3 1/2 cups (800ml) water 2 eggs 1 cup (200g) cornmeal 2 cups (250g) buckwheat flour 3 teaspoons salt Combine...
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