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Review: Piglets Pantry
Back in December I didn't have a fully working kitchen but needed to get some festive fayre in, so I looked online. Piglet's Pantry...
Feb 28, 2022

The Earth Spirit Series
A new series of books from the publisher Moon Books tackles the environment and how we can help to save it. Earth Spirit: Saving Mother...
Jan 24, 2022

Review: Psychic Skills for Magic & Witchcraft: Developing Your Spirit, Intuition & Clairvoyance
I have the pleasure of a sneak preview of: Psychic Skills for Magic & Witchcraft: Developing Your Spirit, Intuition & Clairvoyance by Cat...
Jan 6, 2022

Review: Kitchen Witch: Food, folkore & Fairy Tale
I had the pleasure of getting a sneak peek at Sarah Robinson's new book Kitchen Witch: Food, folkore & Fairy Tale. The book is just...
Dec 24, 2021

Review: The Bramblefrost Fairies
I had the pleasure of a sneak peek at The Bramblefrost Fairies written by C A Fower. A beautiful children's story with some lovely fun...
Dec 21, 2021

Review: Cakehead
Currently I don't have a working kitchen. This has resulted in serious baking withdrawal, the answer was to order some online to test....
Dec 1, 2021

Review: Arrival Cookies
Currently I don't have a working kitchen. This has resulted in serious baking withdrawal, the answer was to order some online to test...
Nov 24, 2021

Review: Butter Belle flavoured nut butter
Oh my goodness, these are totally lush! Pop a spoonful on your porridge, rice pudding or into your yogurt. Spread it on your toast or...
Sep 20, 2021

Review: Oat Pantry
I love a nice bowl of porridge so when I saw these flavoured ones I had to give them a try. Made in Shropshire, England and with British...
Sep 13, 2021

Review: Love Struck Frozen Smoothies
Despite popular opinion that I live on cake and cookies, I honestly don't! I do like a good smoothie but can never be bothered to make...
Sep 6, 2021
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