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The jealousy of aquilegia (columbine)
Columbine/Aquilegia (Aquilegia Canadensis, Aquilegia vulgaris) Perennial plants found in fields and meadows, I have them in my garden and...
May 14, 2021

A Witch's Garden Wanderings
Some time ago I started doing short videos of me walking around our tiny 'edge of the city' garden. There are now quite a few! If you...
May 12, 2021

From the garden snacks
Even if you don’t go in for the fruit and veg plot in your garden you can still grow a few herbs or even eat some of the edible flowers...
Apr 19, 2021

Welcome to my garden…
Whether you only have a window sill with a pot plant on, a small city terrace, a playing field or several acres, you can always work with...
Apr 7, 2021

Cleansing with smoke and the great smudging debate
The burning of herbs for psychic and spiritual cleansing is found in many religions but the term smudging which is often used, seems to...
Mar 5, 2021

Magical Food - Bay
Bay (Laurus nobilis) The bay grows as a tree - the laurel, but it does grow slowly so it does very well in pots if you have a small...
Sep 29, 2020

Magical Food - Blackberries
Blackberries (Rubus fruticosus) Blackberries or bramble berries grow in the wild as well as being cultivated. A perennial that grows like...
Aug 5, 2020

Magical Food - Carrots
Carrot (Daucus carota) Did you know the original carrot was purple and didn’t taste very nice? Talented gardeners developed it into the...
Jul 9, 2020

Magical Food - basil
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) A well known herb that I love to use in cooking teamed with tomato and mozzarella in a salad. It is only an...
Jul 2, 2020

Magical Herb: Woad
This past winter was a wet one and I lost quite a few of my herbs. I decided this year to replace them with some that I haven't grown...
Jun 14, 2020
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