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Jan 9, 2017
Full Moon creative loveliness...
Full Moon creative loveliness...

Apr 7, 2016
Kick butt Conqueror root...
I was very blessed to be gifted some High John the Conqueror root this week, something I haven't worked with for a while so I wanted to...

Jan 28, 2016
Camellia - we are in the money
The camellia in my garden is flowering and has been for several weeks, it is a bit early but I think I have a completely bizarre 'other...

Jul 17, 2015
The magic of...Sunflowers
I was gifted a bouquet of sunflowers last weekend, they are so beautiful, such majestic flowers. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) An...

Jul 8, 2015
The magic of fennel
The fennel in my garden has started to flower... Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) A perennial it grows up to 5 feet tall with bright green...

Mar 5, 2015
Devil's Dung...A Witch's World of Horrible Herbs
This one smells...bad...referred to in folklore as 'Devil's Dung' and I am not surprised why because it really does pong - the plant is...

Mar 3, 2015
A Witch's World of Horrible Herbs...Wing of Bat...
Taking probably one of the most well known terms for ingredients that a witch supposedly throws in her cauldron...'wing of bat' is the...
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