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Jul 2, 2021
New Moon Magic
After the dark skies, when you can just see the first slither of the Moon in the sky. New Moon Magic New beginnings, new adventures, new...

May 21, 2021
Special Moons: Super, Blue, Sidhe and Black moons and Lunar Eclipses
Special Moons Throughout the year there are new and full Moons that take on a special appearance, such as the blue Moon and the super...

Mar 30, 2021
Mes livres en français!
Please excuse my terrible school French. But I am very exited that three of my books have now been translated in French. All published...

Jun 5, 2018
The story behind the book: Moon Magic
Well it seems once the book writing dragon had been woken it was on a rampage...closely on the heels of the previous three books my head...

Mar 16, 2018
Vlog: New Moon Magic
Here is a little thing about new moon magic... #newmoon #moonmagic #rachelpatterson #kitchenwitch

Feb 21, 2017
New Moon New Job Spell
If you have decided you need a new job work this spell on the first night of the New Moon.

Feb 9, 2017
Full Moon Meditation
Relax and make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and focus on your breathing, deep breathes in and out…

Jan 9, 2017
Full Moon creative loveliness...
Full Moon creative loveliness...

Jan 29, 2016
Esbat...a witchy knees up
Esbat..a witchy knees up In a recent discussion with a group of cackling witches the word 'esbat' came up and it was interesting to see...
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