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Magical Food - Coffee
Coffee (coffea) A favourite caffeine fuelled brew made from the roasted beans (seeds) of an evergreen shrub from the coffea genus –...
Jan 17, 2020

Magical Food - Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea) The Brussels sprout is another one from the Brassica oleracea family and they look like teeny tiny...
Nov 25, 2019

Magical Food - Beer
Beer is made from grain and water (and other stuff obviously) so it brings together the elements of earth and water. Apparently on...
Nov 18, 2019

Magical Food - Pumpkins
Pumpkin (Cucurbita spp) A pumpkin is for all year round not just for Halloween… There are a huge variety of pumpkins and all shapes,...
Nov 18, 2019

Magical Food - Apricot
Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) The apricot is an orange coloured fruit from a small tree and looks very similar to a peach…but smaller. The...
Aug 20, 2019

Magical Plants: Camellia
Camellia (Camellia japonica) This is THE money flower and I just happen to have a very pretty pink one that grows in my garden, dark...
Apr 10, 2019

Review: Eco soap nuts & tumble dryer balls
Our household of five adult sized people creates a huge amount of laundry; the day to day clothing, bed linen and towels along with PE...
Mar 7, 2019

The Kitchen Witch series launches TODAY!
My very lovely publishers Moon Books have let me loose with my own Kitchen Witchcraft series of books... The first in the series is Spell...
Jul 27, 2018

The story behind the book: Magical Food
When I was writing A Kitchen Witch's World of Magical Plants & Herbs I realised that there was another facet to magical ingredients. An...
Jun 19, 2018

The story behind the book: Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch
Following on from my post last week about writing my first book Pagan Portals Kitchen Witchcraft...I had caught the book writing bug. As...
May 22, 2018
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