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Working Magic: Gossip
Words have power. Think of affirmations... hat is an affirmation? An affirmation quite simply is a statement of intent that declares...
Jan 23, 2021

Magical Food - Beans
Beans Bean (Phaseolus spp) Lots of different types of green bean – green bean, runner bean, French bean, garden bean etc. A climbing...
Feb 22, 2020

Magical Food - Beans
Beans Bean (Phaseolus spp) Lots of different types of green bean – green bean, runner bean, French bean, garden bean etc. A climbing...
Feb 21, 2020

Magical Food - Cheese
Cheese Cheese Oh so many cheese varieties and made from all kinds of different milk and all so delicious! It is an ancient food (I am...
Feb 15, 2020

Magical Food - Chocolate
Chocolate (Theobroma cacao) Now where do I start? I have to tell you I take my writing job seriously and I do a huge amount of...
Feb 14, 2020

Magical Food - Chocolate
Chocolate (Theobroma cacao) Now where do I start? I have to tell you I take my writing job seriously and I do a huge amount of...
Feb 8, 2020

Magical Food - Cheese
Cheese Cheese Oh so many cheese varieties and made from all kinds of different milk and all so delicious! It is an ancient food (I am...
Feb 7, 2020

Magical Food - Tea
Tea (Camellia sinensis) A good ole cup of tea (see previous chapter on The Magic of Tea). Your tea leaves are not only good for...
Jan 31, 2020

Magical Food - Eggs
Eggs From teeny tiny quails eggs up to huge ostrich eggs they come in all sorts of shapes, the delicate outer casing containing the yolk...
Jan 24, 2020

Magical Food - Honey
Honey Honey Honey - the glorious nectar of the bees. One of the oldest foods known to man…and woman. Bees are incredibly magical and...
Jan 18, 2020
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