Dear Diary: Health scare, Magical Self Care and a book announcement
Health Well 2024 has turned out to be a rubbish year for health so far, I would like to put out a request to the Universe to stop assing...
Dear Diary: Health scare, Magical Self Care and a book announcement
Dear Diary: A difficult week, plotting and social media rabbit holes
Dear Diary: Already? Support networks and shiny things
Dear Diary: Don't mention the bathroom, dragons and book dilemmas
Dear Diary: Sponge baths, the WI and shenanigans
Dear Diary: Nerves, floods and my moustache
Dear Diary: Busy doing nothing, books and jumpers
Dear Diary: A big stage, Morecombe and Wise and Witchmas
Dear Diary: Athens, The Gods and security issues
Dear Diary: Ancestors, secrets and High Priestessness