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'Coming of the Cailleach' - Meditation
Meditation to meet The Cailleach
Oct 16, 2017

'Coming of the Cailleach' - Ritual
Holding onto negative feelings can not only make you feel miserable it can manifest in physical ways too. Don’t hold onto it. Forgive yourse
Oct 15, 2017

'Coming of the Cailleach' - Lessons
She is a dark goddess but you need to see and understand the dark to be able to appreciate and balance with the light. The dark is a place o
Oct 14, 2017

'Coming of the Cailleach' - Working magic
Because of the lack of records telling us how the ancient peoples worshipped the Cailleach there aren’t really any ‘traditional’ symbols or
Oct 13, 2017

'Coming of the Caileach' - Globe Trotting
The focus of stories place the Cailleach in Scotland or Ireland with her morphing into Black Annis in England but her name can be found (pos
Oct 12, 2017

'Coming of the Cailleach' - in the British Isles
In folk stories from Scotland it is said that The Cailleach rises at Samhain and brings with her the snow, ice and harsh weather until Imbol
Oct 11, 2017

'Coming of the Cailleach' - Birth
The Cailleach – Goddess of the ancestors, wisdom that comes with age, the weather, time, shape shifting and winter.
Oct 10, 2017

Black Annis
In England the area of Leicester carries the tale of an old hag woman dressed in black that lived in a cave, the Leicester Chronicle (newspa
Jul 14, 2017
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