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Animal Magic: The Chicken and The Cockerel
Chicken Chicken is all about fertility with a bit of sacrifice thrown in for good measure. The fertility comes from their egg laying...
Apr 5, 2018

Animal Magic: The Centaur
Centaur Half horse, half man resulting in a combination of man and beast – hopefully the best parts of each… Definitely connected to the...
Mar 29, 2018

Animal Magic: The Cat
Cat Those with a cat at home will know that they are gods and should be worshipped and pampered in every way shape and form… Cat...
Mar 22, 2018

Animal Magic: The Butterfly
Butterfly The butterfly has to be one of the creatures most associated with transformation and change as it emerges from a cocoon into a...
Mar 15, 2018

Animal Magic: The Bee
Bee Without these little critters whizzing about in their stripy pyjamas we would have no food…they are incredibly important. They are a...
Mar 8, 2018

Animal Magic: The Beaver
Beaver Working like a beaver; he builds, he creates, he achieves everything he sets out to do, he understands how to work as a team, he...
Mar 1, 2018

Animal Magic: The Bear
Bear Bear plays a big part in a lot of cultures including Native American and the Celtic tradition bringing power and protection with it....
Feb 22, 2018

Animal Magic: The Bat
Bat Some folklore stories suggest that bats were thought to be witches and if one flew close by you it was a witch checking up on you or...
Feb 15, 2018

Animal Magic: The Badger
Badger A creature of the night and also the wildness of the woods they are ancient and respected creatures. They are playful and...
Feb 8, 2018

Animal Magic: The Ant
If an animal comes to you do as much research as you can. The meanings given here are general with some of my own thoughts and feelings...
Feb 1, 2018
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