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Animal Magic: The Unicorn
Unicorn A mythical creature (or not…) stories about the unicorn can be found throughout the world. Usually the unicorn is depicted as...
Oct 25, 2018

Animal Magic: The Tiger
Tiger Tiger is primal, unpredictable, trusts its own intuition and is spontaneous, all qualities that a tiger animal guide brings with...
Oct 18, 2018

Animal Magic: The Swan
Swan Beautiful graceful creatures that bring inner beauty, self esteem and innocence as they glide along the surface of the water. Swan...
Oct 11, 2018

Animal Magic: The Squirrel
Squirrel Squirrel is a puzzle solver, there are not many obstacles that the squirrel can’t work his way out of or over and he does so...
Oct 4, 2018

Animal Magic: The Snail
Snail Ok so it probably wouldn’t be your first choice for an animal spirit guide but if it comes your way don’t argue…go with it, there...
Sep 27, 2018

Animal Magic: The Sheep
Sheep It might seem an unlikely animal spirit guide but it has some interesting medicine to offer… Sheep are innocent and vulnerable and...
Sep 20, 2018

Animal Magic: The Shark
Shark Sharks have perhaps gotten a bit of a bad reputation over the years and although it is fair to say a large group of sharks can be...
Sep 13, 2018

Animal Magic: The Scorpion
Scorpion Scorpion is a solitary creature who prefers his own company although he does like the occasional passionate, controlling sexual...
Sep 6, 2018

Animal Magic: The Rat
Rat Such a misunderstood creature and blamed incorrectly for so many things. Its connection to death started way before the Black Death...
Aug 30, 2018

Animal Magic: The Rabbit and The Hare
Rabbit/Hare Rabbits and hares like to make lots of baby rabbits and hares…so fertility is key here. They also have a strong connection to...
Aug 23, 2018
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