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Arc of the Goddess

Arc of the Goddess book co-written with Tracey Roberts.

This book will take you on a year-long personal journey of discovery, taking each month as the wheel of the year turns and introducing you to different goddesses and pantheons with your choice (or theirs…) about who you work with and how you work with them.
We hope to help you connect with the magical energies of each month as well as giving you lots of practical exercises to work with and suggestions on how to make your spiritual connection stronger.
At the end of the book it is hoped you will not only have discovered your own personal pantheon of goddesses to work with but also uncovered The Goddess Within…

This book is a year-long journey with the feminine, the goddess in her forms from around the world. This book helps us to realise the goddess truly is ubiquitous around our planet. Each month the book gives you the help to feel into the time of year and how the goddess works in that season. The authors offer you lots of suggestions, practices, devotions, crafts and what I find completely delightful are the cake recipes, a lovely way to celebrate the goddess. You can work however you wish and begin at any time during the year, and I love the thought of being able to dip into it whenever I wish. All the time, the journey is a personal one, finding yourself and your own inner feminine and making it really helps you connect with the goddess. 

~Elen Sentier, Author~


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