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A Kitchen Witch's

World of Magical Food

Food is magical, not just because of the amazing tastes, flavours and aromas but also for the magical properties it holds. The magic starts with the choice of food to use, be added in whilst you are preparing and cooking then the magic unfolds as people enjoy your food. Dishes can be created for specific intents, moon phases, and rituals, to celebrate sabbats or just to bring the magic into your family meal. Many food ingredients can also be used very successfully in magical workings in the form of offerings, medicine pouches, witches bottles and poppets. Let's work magic into your cooking...

Morgan Daimler | author of Fairy Witchcraft & Pagan Portals The Morrigan 

“A Kitchen Witch’s World of Magical Food is an enchanting look at the magic and mystery of food, from the power of tea to edible flowers, from seasonal treats to food poppets. A delightful book full of recipes and food lore that would be a great addition to any magical practitioner’s library.”


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